Needing to blog but not feeling inspired
I'm really trying to get back in to blogging, I enjoy doing it, it allows me time for myself, and gives me a way to look back on things we have done as a family.
But I am so stuck for inspiration! My kids? Yes, of course, they inspire me daily. But our days seem very mechanical at the moment. Wake up, get ready, school. Come home, eat, homework, play, bed.
Throw in a bundle of tidying up and that is pretty much our week.
It's not that I don't love it, I do, I'm so grateful that I get to watch them grow and focus my time on them. But how can I write about it? My blogs would be the same, day in, day out. Not fun to write, and not fun to read.
So what should I do next? Give up on the blog? Only write when something beyond exciting happens? Or maybe, just maybe I could try and be a little more creative. Who knows, at the moment I'm not sure where this is going to go. But if I can pull my self out of mum mode for just a little while I might be able to write another blog soon, and hopefully it won't be as dull as this one!
Here's a picture of my cuties, so you didn't click this link for nothing!
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