So we are finally announcing! Baby on the way - due Feb 2018! 

These two are going to be such fabulous big brothers! 

There you have it.. the reason I have been so ill, the reason I have had no energy, the reason for not much blogging, but also the reason our hearts are so full! 

I suffered with bad morning sicknesss from about 7 weeks. I found it very hard to manage and was really struggling emotionally. I've gradually started to feel better and with some help from the dr am now able to manage the nausea and sickness - it's about time! 

We waited until we had the scan to tell the boys, and they were so so excited! They have thousands of questions, and keep telling me how desperately they want the baby here now. 

Jack is desperate for a little sister, and always wants to discuss baby names and how he's going to get to help when the baby's here. Toby won't settle for anything other than a boy, enjoys telling me there's an extra person in the car every time we go out, and spent yesterday talking to the baby (my belly) and teaching it what noise a pig makes. 

I'm very lucky to have such wonderful boys who are going to be the best big brothers ever! 

13 weeks, and in the home stretch of the first trimester. Let's hope the second is a lot more enjoyable!
